As the user base continues to grow I wanted to reinforce the type of culture we should all strive to maintain for our own benefit. Remember, this is not Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn. I believe we should take the good from all and create our own pattern of communication and leave the negative behind. 1) IG - Good Commradery 2) LinkedIn - Good Professionalism 3) Facebook - Good Challenge Network (just not done appropriately in most cases) Let's be professional, let's bond and let's challenge constructively to grow. There is a report button that I hope doesn't have to be used but use it or message me if you need help with a situation. I will not hesitate to delete a paid account if they threaten the cutlutre here. The terms of use states this can be done at anytime. I promise to do my duty to make this the best HVACR community available online. Happy HVACing!

Posted by HVAC Know It All at 2021-02-27 15:32:27 UTC