Well, I didn’t get it completely right the first time. After spending hours on Thursday to get the coil thawed/melted, I replaced the board because the sensor was kicking the system out of defrost on its own, so I thought the board wasn’t initiating properly. I drove by Friday, and found the coil frozen again. This afternoon then, I ran the system in a defrost cycle and then moved the W1 wire into the W2 terminal so the heat pump doesn’t run and hopefully some ice melts naturally before I go back to put the sensor in. I also noticed that the system didn’t always get power restored when I turned disconnect back on, so upon an inspection of that, I found the fuses quite worn. So those will also get replaced next trip. The Borough manager is glad for the communication and that I’m able to take care of these issues for them. 😁

Posted by hvac_grammarian at 2021-02-20 23:37:21 UTC