I posted a lengthier video on IG this morning (6 minutes+). I go over how I believe condenser coil cleaning should be performed more specifically with regards to copper fin tube coils. Included in the post is also a typical description from myself (bit of words lol). I am just attaching the link if any of you wish to check it out🤙 https://www.instagram.com/p/COm3W4ZjLzO/ How do you go about cleaning your coils? Is it just for aesthetic? Or like me, do you clean with a purpose. I have learned over the years that patience is your best asset when pressure cleaning. Take your time, anybody can make a coil look pretty from the outside, but shining up that coil may have just allowed you to push debris further causing even more problems. Are you splitting coils on RTU’s that need to be split. If not and your pressure cleaning, you may as well just sit this one out. Not splitting your coils is just a disservice to the unit and your customer. I remember as a first year in my first month I was pressure cleaning and did not even know about split coils. When a mechanic finally told me and had me split a coil I had just cleaned, I realized all I had done was push the debris to the point where it got stuck between each coil slab (big restriction!😬) Coil cleaning is really one of the easiest things to be doing but provides a hug benefit to the overall operation of your customers equipment. It’s also nice on a hot summer day making mechanics rate and shooting blasts of water in the air to mystify and cool you down😂🤙 #teachme #hvac #hvacr #coilcleaning #preventativemaintenance

Posted by hvacr_mech_life at 2021-05-08 12:49:45 UTC