This is one of the oldest buildings we take care of the Old South Meeting House, in the 90s they dug out a basement and added a mechanical system to the building, there is city supplied steam that feeds a shell and tube heat exchanger for the hot water system and a McQuay chiller for the chilled water system, the cooling tower for the chiller is a unique setup where the tower is split into 2 sections, the sump stays down in the basement with the pumps, and the pumps push the water up to the attic where the rest of the tower is pushes it over the top of the tower through the fill and the fan pushes the air up through the roof, once the water falls through the fill, gravity allows it to flow back to the tank in the basement through the piping and into the top of the tank. Cool set up that you don’t see every day! #teachme #hvaclife #history #coolingseason #pm

Posted by BeantownHVAC at 2021-04-08 11:58:39 UTC