Yesterday, while doing an office building service, the maintenance person asked me to see what needed to be done to fix a unit that was showing a “space temperature error” on the BMS. After learning from a coworker how this particular unit worked, I found that the zone temp sensor was wired on the red and green wires (terminals 3 and 4), which is not correct based on the schematic, but corresponded to the colors of the wires of the sensor itself. . After switching the wires at the sensor to black and white (terminals 1 and 2), the fan came on, and the compressor engaged to bring on cooling for the lobby space. The maintenance man was ecstatic, since this unit had been down for a couple years. A simple observation is all it took to fix this. Know what you’re working on, and know what the schematic tells you. 🙂 . . . #hvac #hvaclife #hvactechnician #hvacservice #hvacinstall #hvacrepair #hvacmaintenance #tranetracersummit #teachme

Posted by hvac_grammarian at 2021-03-20 22:34:45 UTC