This is about Mental health and physical health. As most would agree we are animals of habit. We are constantly in some sort of routine whether it be good or bad. Using this we can create new positive routines that can take us to new levels in life. Small changes over time can equal big changes over time. If we wake up every day just for the first hour we think in more positive way we are taking 1 step in a better direction. Even if we subsequently take 9 in the wrong direction iver a year's time the 1 step a day will lead you to a new place. Eventually that 1 step a day becomes a routine. Then 2 steps, so on and so forth. For me my morning is my time for me and I have a very simple routine I want to share. I urge others to create their own routine as mine was created for me by me. 1. I have an alarm set for 6 a.m when I leave the house and I don't touch my phone until that time. keeps my head focused and clear. 2. I make coffee every morning and being the nerd I am I make fresh ground pour over. This is a sort of meditation for me because there is a strict process to follow. 3. I read 1 page from The daily stoic. 4. I stretch and perform really mild excercises to get my heart rate slightly elevated. For me this is more of a key to my energy than any drink. This last maybe 10 minutes total. 5. If I'm feeling negative about anything I write down how I feel and mentally try to think myself through and out of that feeling. then the next day I read what was bothering me and most times I find that it was pretty insignificant. 6. Make a light healthy lunch and leave for the day. πŸ‘

Posted by Dick. C at 2021-03-18 11:59:17 UTC