This will take some studying for you to get...but if you can grasp this... 2 pressures 4 temps will tell you exactly what’s wrong with any refrigeration cycle. Plotting those measurements on the refrigerant in question enthalpy diagram will show you exactly what that system is doing. In order to fully understand you have to know the laws of thermodynamics and be familiar with the pressure temperature relationship. If you practice this I promise you it’ll become second nature and you’ll easily interpret the “feel” method by touching the suction line and discharge line you can mentally plot this cycle in your brain and know instantly just by touch if the unit is over charged or under charged or there’s a issue in the works all by influence of touch, heat rejection and absorption PT relationship rise/fall. You won’t get this just by looking at this post takes time and practice but well worth it! You’ll fully understand system balance of cycle in the enthalpy curve absorption as rejection outside the curve and how the compression stroke/s cantilever the entropy while the TXV is feeding to maintain superheat within the wide band range of rated capacity. Refrigerant will always behave the same it’s the other components that change which then changes the plotted cycle. So go plot and go play, overcharge a system plot it it, undercharge a system plot it, false load a system plot it, unload a system plot it and learn to feel. 👍🏻👊🏻#teachme
Posted by Ty-Rap Rock at 2021-03-14 02:54:36 UTC