Notice the pay dirt here is very important . With ideal temp and RH “vapor pressure deficit” must be achieved . Also notice those temps are not exactly “ comfort cooling “ temps and RH . Sizing. Sizing can be a nightmare in a grow room with 50,000 watts . If your target temp is 78F , you know that’s not really an ac temp that stats like . The trick is you want to undersized the unit just enough to run the 12 hour cycle for flower phase the whole 12 hours with no short cycling . For example , setting the stat at 72F on a unit and getting the temp to plane out at 78F is the trick . When this happens you will also figure out where the Room RH will sit naturally with the amount of plants in the room . You may have to add humidity or take out humidity depending on many other factors . Adding additional commercial dehumidifiers will be needed at night as there is no load in the room .
Posted by Deleted (b8c4437d) at 2021-03-05 17:47:41 UTC