Made this a few years back. To get actual sensible heat removal of an evap coil, you first need the correct cfm of the machine. Then you will need the sensible air temperature in and out across the coil, delta t. Plug it into the formula. We can also do this to get actual latent heat removal as well with this formula. Q = 0.68 x cfm x delta w (grains of moisture per pound of dry air) Once you have both sensible and heat latent heat removals, add them together for total heat removal. Luckily we have apps now to do this for us or we would be pulling out the psychometric chart. This is useful in setting up units or showing a customer that a 5 ton is only performing as a 4 ton for example. Happy HVACing #teachme
Posted by HVAC Know It All at 2021-03-04 19:24:26 UTC