@Jrpitau10 was asking about a wine cooler yesterday that's maintained at 57⁰F and what type of pressure/temps to look for with R22. Did some digging, wine cooler TD is approximately 20⁰F to 30⁰F. If we take the mid point at 25⁰F TD then... 57⁰F return air - 25⁰F TD = 32⁰F evaporator or saturated suction temperature (SST). This translates to a pressure of 57 psig. I encourage everyone to look at saturated temperature conditions rather than pressures and here's why. If we take this same application but use a different refrigerant, the pressures might be different but that SST and TD will always remain the same. If you don't have the RefTools app for this refrigerant slider, get it...It's very valuable. #teachme
Posted by HVAC Know It All at 2021-03-04 13:45:15 UTC