Carrier RTU DCV (Demand Controlled Ventilation) for fresh air Help hello all have rtus with C02 sensors installed for the sole reason of introducing fresh air via economizer whenever the C02 levels rise above the set point. On the Jade controller it says DCV YES but no dampers are open to the outside, nor the exhaust fans are turning on Ive been in the Jade menu and ive tested the exhaust fans by forcing them on and they work. The damper actuator has 4 wires in a harness. 24vac power, Common, and then SBUS sensor. So im assuming the SBUS sensor modulates the actuator valve open and closed. just wondering what im doing wrong and why dcv won't work. Is it an enthalpy sensor issue? Economizer issue? any help would be appreciated.
Posted by Jordan B at 2025-01-21 13:03:06 UTC